I am situated in Prague, the Czech Republic.
Originally, I created this site as a social place for local traders. The central part – a live trading chat – vanished as time passed. It was rather exhausting to be a single moderator in a chat, but I met very interesting people here, many of them very successful traders (yes, there are such guys).
Now the central part of the site seems to be the download area – and I believe it will stay for long time. I have no ambitions to beat software companies, but I have ambition to deliver the best offline chart generators for the MT4.
Legal Business Information
Milan Matejka
Identification Number 60443057 (since 04/07/1994)
Competent Authority: Úřad městské části Praha 4
Business Address: Mečislavova 1355/20, ZIP 140 00, Praha 4, Czechia
tel. +420 777161194
Poznámka pro české zákazníky: platby v Kč směřujte na účet 1033013734/5500. Cena se stanoví podle aktuálního denního kurzu ČNB.