Self Care Form for License Key Check and Reset
Enter your license code into the form and submit.
Your current key status appears below the form. A Reset button appears if there is any computer assigned to the license and more than 1 week elapsed since the last reset.
After clicking the Reset button, your license will be detached from ALL of your licensed computers. After this step your license count is restored to full capacity as if it were new, and your computers switch to non-licensed mode (trial period every 3 months).
Re-enter the code to indicators on those computers, where you need the full license. You do not need to interrupt the working ones, just attach an additional indicator for a moment, with the code filled.
I paid for tickbar indicator via paypal but I got no mail about licence key
It can happen, the email message may go to a spam, may get lost on a relay, or may be refused by a server or the SMTP server may go down.
In such case, use the Contact Form and request a copy of the email with the license key.
The key can be resent only to the same address that was registered with the PayPal.
Im currently having issues with my license key
OK, send me a message with the issue description.
hello/ i can not find the indicator
Hello Shimon,
you may get your download here:
I want to buy product key how can i get?
Hello, I bought in the state range bar indicator. Where can I find the key and got it to the e-mail address? +48 xxxxxx268
I have sent the email copy to your Paypal address. Please prefer the contact form when you do not want to compromise private data.
hi… when a license is purchased what is the maximum amount of computers the license can work on ?
In most cases 3 Windows profiles (i.e. computers) can share a single license. You can check your key multiplicity filling your key into the form here.
i bought 3 license key, i applied only 1, the others i can not installed . I need your help asap
Hello Vu,
you have bought Omnia Charts indicator key, please download the OmniaBar and do not use the single indicators from now on:
I brought the Mean Renko Indicator and cant install it on my labtop. I need help…
Hello Chris, please use a Contact form when requesting support. Thank you.
Good afternoon! 10/27/2015 Renko downloaded, installed, and it is not working. Here he writes – ( Indicator cannot create the chart file.
Either indicator shares the offline ID (set unique one),
or its last run crashed (restart MT4 terminal),
or the MT4 terminal does not have write access (adopt Windows UAC). What am i doing wrong? Thank you.
Hello Igor, in case you are sure you have a unique offline ID selected and you still see the error, this error might be related to a tick file defect. Here is how to remove a tick file:
In the terminal, use menu File->Open Data Folder
Close the terminal.
Switch the explorer to a sibling named “Common”, so you have path like “C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common”
You should see a list of folders with server names. Open your server folder.
Delete the corresponding file “(SYMBOL)”
Open the terminal.
Good day to Milan! Thanks for the answer. But I have no (unique offline ID). I wanted to try. The site stated that the trial 15 days. You certainly the right to think that I’ve already used this period. But unfortunately it is not. And I would gladly bought Renko, if they come to me ..
I reset the MT4 terminal and re-downloaded from your site Renko. Now he says here that – Indicator cannot create this offline chart. Try to set other Offline TF in the input . It’s a shame that I have your Renko Renko never opened in MT4. Apparently I’m doing something wrong. Sorry for my english. Google ..))) Thanks again ..
Hello Igor, please no external links next time, it evaluates as a spam and I miss your comment.
I released new version and added some info to the release note, please follow the instructions and contact me to set up the extended trial.
Good afternoon! I’m still trying to try your Renko. But it can not. Re-download from your site and now pishet – Indicator cannot create this offline chart. Try to set other Offline TF in the input. Maybe I’m not so I do? Thank you.
Hello Milan,
Do I have to keep resetting the Key code every time I switched from my home PC and work Laptop?
Definitively not, it is helpful if you retire a computer and need to swap the key to a new one, or with Windows upgrade, or the hardware changed (like disk exchange). A basic license can serve 3 concurrent computers.
Happy with Range Bar trial–just bought indicator, received email and Key…BUT problem installing it. When I click Input tab and highlight the line “Paste activation code here (optional)” it highlights but does not allow me to Paste the code–just stays highlighted and does nothing. Closing & re-opening the MT4 platform made no difference. My trial did expire today, and I keep getting Alerts telling me to install the Key, but doesn’t allow me to enter it, either by Paste or by Edit. PLEASE ADVISE FAST (I’m “dead in the water.”)
I bought the Mean Renko and tried to put it on my platform for Tradersway and it’s not letting me put it on my chart…. I tried offline charts as well as online charts to use the indicator!! What do I do or do you have another fill for the Mean Renko Indicator. FYI Even when I try to download the others to try the trail it won’t let me try them out as well….
Hello Bernard, the latest MT4 update might be the reason. If you have the build 920, please consider rolling back to 910 temporarily:
Roll back to 910.
Thanks I got it working now!!!
It would be nicer if I could reset my key selectively instead of all three installations in one shot. I’m having a lot of trouble with MT4 920-940, both with Windows 7 and Windows 10, and even Linux, so I’m currently trying to find the best environment. This forces me to reinstall your product again and again making me reach each time to limit of three PC. Of these, two run as backups while the third is my primary trading station and I would appreciate very much to be able to select only this one when I have to reset my license.
Best regards.
Hello Gianpiero, thank you for your suggestion. It is very exceptional you needed to reset the key over and over again. I believe that the limit of 3 computers is low enough to keep the discomfort acceptable, as practical need for this form should be quite rare. I register problems with some Windows emulators, but on native Windows there is only the Windows OS upgrade causing license invalidation recently.
Hi, I have the Omnia Bar Collection but for some reason my indicator is saying ‘Valid till January 6th’. I’ve had/used it for a few years. I didn’t know it wasn’t a permament licence!
Unless it’s to do with the latest Metatrader problems?
Forgive my daftness if I’m missing something obvious!?
P.s. thank you for these indicators and adding on the price lines using Range Predictor which I asked for. I’ve been using these indicators for over 2.5 years and love them!
Please ignore my previous email as I’ve pasted my code back in and it’s all ok now…
It seems the latest Windows10 update not only logged me out of all my MT4 accounts but also removed my key from Omniabar.
Bless Microsoft & their beta testing….
Merry Christmas Milan!
No problem, Jon.
Hello Milan I bought the Renko With Out Tails Generator months ago. Great Work ! I would hate to try to do without it! I have a problem getting it to work without sticking-I must
re-sign in to the account periodically. Also the MT4 Expert Log mentions an unusual time gap.What to do?
Thank you Chris
Unusual time gap is just a report that no data are available for three days or more. It usually matches holidays, and then it makes no harm. It may also report a long lasting dropout in MT4 data. In such case the reported timeframe data file should be scratched.
Hello Milan,
I have just had to re-set my key after a computer meltdown and Windows re-install. Thanks to your easy to follow instructions all went very smoothly and it was all done in minutes.
I just wanted to say thank you for not just a good, value for money product but, equally as important, excellent after-sales service, a pleasure doing business with you.
Best regards,
I have some license from OVO but why on my MT4 application renkobar indicators not open, is not a license for a lifetime?
Yes, the license is lifetime. Please check that you are entering the license number rather than the Paypal receipt number.
how to build ea from your mean renko bar?.it is .ex4
You cannot build an EA from this indicator. You may deploy your EA to the offline chart.
Hello Milan,
In above comments you mention that the linces can be sheared for 3 computers.
I have two computers in my office, but I can use the key just for one PC.
I confirm all PC a mine.
Hello Victor, then you are in the right page. Reset the license using the above form and assign it where you need it.
My computer crashed and I have lost my licence key, how can I retrieve it?
Hello Hos, I resent the code to your original email.
There is no rest button on this page ? Am I missing something ?
The reset button appears if you have at least one computer assigned to the code, and more than 7 days elapsed since the previous reset.
Ok for some reason my license code has expired, how do I reset my code ? I havent reset this code for a long time,
Send the code using the Contact form, I can reset it.
I have sent the product code, I thought this was a life time subscription ? Why would the activation code expiry ?
According to the record in the database the code you just sent me was reset today. There is no computer assigned to the code.
The license is lifetime, and there is no limited alternative available (and never was).
SO then why am I having to do all this ? It stopped working and told me the code has expired. haha
Either way, it seems to be working now. Not sure what change, sorry to bother you. And thanks for helping out
No problem, just please use the contact form rather than the comment when support is required.
I’m getting an error today saying my free license has expired and to buy one. I purchased one 23-Oct, received it in email, and copied it where I have the indicator running. Please help.
Hello Randall, submitting the form displays information what indicator the license is for. In case you are combining incorrect ones.
I have the indicator key already. Am I able to use it for both my computer and VPS?
It depends on the key, however this forms tells you exactly how many computers the key is for and which computers share it.
Hello, I have 3 licenses already used, two of them in two vps, I will close the vps to change to another, if I restart the keys, I again have three new licenses for the new vps ?. Thank you
Yes, exactly as you say.
Hello Support
On check my license key shows 3 computers yet on the chart it got disabled and says i should purchase a key or wait 89 days.
Also it is actually on 2 computers – one is my laptop and the other is a vps on which i run it on two separate Windows user accounts.
Should I purchase another key or can I run it on 3 accounts?
No, you needn’t to buy another license, instead please read and follow the instructions at the top of this page.
Hi! I’m using icmarkets, same demo account, 2 separate devices with your renko bar. First license only allowed for one device, so I bought another license (for addtl 3 machines) a few days ago, because I was so impressed with it. Unfortunately, it just stopped working in all machines. I tried resetting the two license keys, deleted then reinstalled the indicators, but they still don’t work. I’m using macs, but I doubt my unit has anything to do with the renko bars failing
I have the same problem as Emma. I was using Mean renko with IC Markets. We have returned from Easter holidays and online working but not offline (Mean renko). I have completed the same process as Emma.
It seems that the new build 1066 can do the trick. Please check the blog (news) section.
how to i enter my activation code into my indicator/script
Hello Lateesha, put it to this entry in inputs
I bought the omnia bar collection and pasted the activation key @ the field of RenkoBar indicater (expired) but it could not change!!!!
Hello Khalid, now you have to use OmniaBar for the Renko in place of RenkoBar. I recommend to scratch RenkoBar, MeanrenkoBar etc. from your indicators to avoid misunderstandings.
Hi Milan,
Instead of resetting the key and interrupt the signal for all the PCs which need the signal, whether it is possible to delete just the PC that I want to remove?
Yes, it could be, however there is not any signal interrupt, if you re-authenticate the other computers shortly after the reset. The running indicator checks the authorisation once in 24 hours, so there is very low chance for stopping it.
Why I have to wait 5 days to change PC?
It is because you reset the license recently.
Yes I knew that. But why 5 days so long? Did I not paid for the license?
It has nothing to do with payment. The reset should restore the license lost with the system update or with the computer retirement. I doubt those events could happen more often than once in 7 days.
Hi Milan,
I’ve just check my license key and it will be used only for 1 installation. I have one PC and one laptop, how can I use it for both two computer?
Thank you!
Hello Le Thu, the computer count differs with products, and also there are limited versions available through partners. If you wish to have more licensed computers, you need to purchase an additional license code.
it wont download properly so i can drag and drop it into my charts
Hello Michael, which file is not downloading for you properly?
My license valid for 3 PCs told me “Renko says: Thank you for spending your time with the indicator and kindly ask you for a license key.” (available from My trading platform says “Expired. Next free period starts in 89 days.” !
hi I want to try the Renko trial, where do i find the key to activate the trial? thanks mike
No key means trial.
My Range Bar indicator has suddenly stopped working despite the key being valid and only on one computer. Any ideas. A dialogue box did come up saying the indicator had expired but I just clicked it off. \\\\\\\what do I do?
Hello Mike, use instructions on the top of the page and reset your license. If you did, please check if you are using the proper code for the particular indicator (e.g. code for OmniaBar won’t work with RangeBar). Also check, if the code gets entered into the proper input field.
If the problem persists, please use the contact form for private communication.
It is saying my activation key is correct but when I copy and past it into the area where the activation code goes, it keeps getting rejected. Also tried it on another laptop and the same results.
“Mean Renko says: Thank you for spending your time with the indicator and kindly ask you for a key (available from
If this happen even after the license reset, it is necessary to use the contact form for every particular case. Often users try to use the code for other indicator (which I can spot in logs) or they keep entering the code into incorrect input fields (which I cannot reveal from logs).
what is the meaning of offline
renko indicator
It helps some people in their trading business.
i need atr based renko … there are many indicators, advice me which is suitable indicator as per my need
Hello hem, I do not have the ATR based Renko, and I am not sure if I know what it is, as there are many Renko deviations and their names are quite random.
Hello Milan, I do enjoy your great products. I wonder if you offer a license key for an unlimited number of computers, or any type of commercial license.
How can I retrieve my license Key? I forgot and I bought renko last year. Thanks
Just wanted to say thank you for your Renko indicator.I have used your demo account, was great.So have bought your Renko indicator.I did not realize it gave me the wicks one and no wicks for same price. Having spent money on other Renko indicators yours is the best. Now need to learn how to get the best trades.Do you do trading lessons? Thanks again J
Hello Jonathan, I am not offering trading lessons nor I am selling any expert advisors. Such activities would ruin my business in the end.
I’ve replace my home computer with another computer and I need to apply my 3rd license onto that computer. Do I need to apply a license reset applying the license back on the other 2 computers just to apply the license on the 3rd again or etc?
Nevermind…. I figured it out. Thanks though
Yes, you do, however the indicators won’t stop immediately, they authorise only once a day. All you need is to attach one more indicator with the code for a while, until it displays your email address.
Hi Milan… How can i make a point & figure fxt? I have the full fxt builder kit from you– but i didnt see anything for Point & figure…
Hello Bruce, I am sorry I do not have any, the PnF chart is a kinda outsider among the offline charts. So when there is some capacity left, I would go for it later.
i had a problem with free renko EA’s on the internet where the historical data is 100% not correct and the EA repaints the historical data each time i restart the terminal.
I’m interested in OmniaBar because it includes everything. does it show accurate history or do i need to leave the chart open to create accurate data?
can i restart mt4 without repainting the chart?
In case you want to record the tick data, you should have (at least) one indicator running as long as possible. That tick data is recycled by other indicators every time later, so the chart is the same shape as if it were live, too.
i want to use mean renko but i don’t want the chart to repaint itself after each terminal restart. is that possible ? and how ?
because i want to see my strategy entries on real historical data. the repainted data cannot be trusted
Hi, I have one Renko license for one pc, valid for ‘unlimited use’ at the time of purchase. I didn’t use it for a while because I have been using other ovo Renko licenses with my other pcs. Now that I tried to use it for a new computer, my chart says ‘valid til June 11’ I tried resetting the code but I still get the same message.
Please check if you filled the code properly, and if yes, try to restart the MT4 terminal
Hello Milan, please I intend to run my mt4 on a vps to trade, Omniabar was what was purchased, would I require another licence key on the vps? All the other 3 licence keys are already in use. I am using the same computer to install my vps, I have a license key working on this computer already, so do I need another license key? or I can use same key already in use on this computer. Thank you as I anticipate your response.
Hi! After I enter my code, and click on “check key” the page reload and nothing happened, I can not reset my activation code. I tried it 3 times with the same result. How can I reset my code. Thanx for help
Sorry, with an another web browser worked.
Hi I have your Omnia indicator that I use with my Renko, and I want to know what does the ‘SESS’ button is for
The SESS button in the OmniaRemote indicator is for overriding the “Session control” input of OmniaBar (and the other offline generators). With this parameter on the generator restarts plotting the chart after the time gap longer than 30 minutes, i.e. every trading session has its starting point with its open time.
Hi there,
I had purchased the on 7 May 2016, I did not use this long and no longer have my old machines, today I tried to install and have an issues.
The indicators are showing my expiry date as 29 Oct even after inserting the key. It looks like the new product is not validating the my old key
So, what is the real problem? Did the reset procedure fail?
Firstly I did not try resetting, must I try resetting online and then use that key ? The real problem is the plugin is taking as a trial version.
You are commenting on a page with the Reset procedure, so I expect you are trying to reset the license. Yes, you are supposed to reset the license if the assignment count is used and you are having problems.
HI Milan, Thanks I am reset the key and everything is working fine
I had to reset my key. Thank you for making it so simple to do.
Hi i purchased aKey howevr it says it is expired i tried to reset but nothing happens it says it is not registered
então eu coloco a chave de licença e continua com a opção Verificar chave¨, e embaixo falando que me chave de licença, tem um limite de 3 licenças. porem nao aparece mais nada, oque eu faço?
Hi, I want to change my key to RenkoMeanbar — by mistake i pay for RenkoNowwick– price is same so if support team please change it
i just bought my key for the flexi bars, what happens if i have to reset my pc i can’t use the key anymore or what do i have to do.
Please send me an answer i have not received an answer from you although i have already written you 2 previous questions.
I hope for your answer.
Thank you very much.
With kind regards,
B. Miller
Hello Boris, if you update system or reinstall you computer, type your code into the above field and reset the license.
Renko can improve my trade thank you….
your Renko is better then other free version
Hello Milan
My mean renko indicator was working perfectly in my MAC and suddenly it stoped and it shows this message (by instead of my email registration as it use to. I have purchased 2 license key
Paid for mean renko and now have the same problem as Jose, I have sent two messages, why do not reply
When the indicator displays “by Ovo”, then it still works. It only indicates network problems, but it is still working with no limitations.
my mean renkos arent working. it says registered for “my email address” but everytime i click them it doesnt upload a new screen on Metatrader 4. What should I do?
Not sure, I never encountered such behaviour. Try to press the shift key with the click to open an additional window if it helps.
hi good night . im a trying to reset my key. but im getting a message saying that DB connection Failed
after checking the licence key i’m getting this message
(Key for Mean Renko Indicator, with limit of 3 installations.
Currently used for:)
nothing else and my renko still not working,it worked for about 6 months then it stopped.
i emailed you the first time and i got an answer back but you didnt answer my second email.
pls could you check it out
Hello Maamar, the advice is still the same as we communicated via email – enter the exact licence code. No license will activate when you enter only something similar to your license code.
Hello Milan,
i did entre the exact License code you sent me on your last email conversation many times and it didnt work i still get the message to get a new license.
No, you did not enter the exact license code. Why don’t you try the recommended copy/paste method? You are making typos.
So now you are telling me that i can’t write a simple code? the first code i sent you it had a typo mistake then you sent me the code and i realised it had a mistake so i entered it and checked it a million times just to be sure and i still get the same message.sort this out please.
Copy/paste the code into the indicator, please.
maybe i should copy and paste here in your site so you can see i can copy paste.send me a proper code and i will show you how i acn copy and paste.
i’m very sorry for the comment,i thought you didnt fix its working again.thank you and have a nice day.
No problem, enjoy the indicator. I just cannot assist with the code everybody, there are 40 thousand authorisation entries every day.
I understand mate,good luck.
hello which one is renkobar 211.000
i need to buy it thank you
i have screen shot for the indicator but i dont know which one
HI, I´m member of NIkos Academy, i boght the Renko Key last week, but I want the Mean Renko Key.
Can U send me the Disccount for MEAN RENKO KEY ?
Hello again, is a Nikos Trading Academy student discount available at MEAN RENKO or not?
I forgot my ovo renko pasword. Can you please sent it to me?
Sure, write your email used for the purchase and I will resend the license.
My key isn’t working everytime i put it in it keeps saying “Expired. Next Free Period starts in 89 days”
Please help me!
My meanrenko key isn’t working. Every time i put it in it keeps saying “Expired.Next Free Period starts in 89 days”
Please help me!
Hello Martin, mean Renko works only with Mean Renko license.
Hi Milan
This is a reminder of my previous inquiry about changing the email address linked to my Ovo Omnia Bar.
I am doing some youtube videos for analyzing Renko and Candle charts. The email shows on the Omnia indicator when applied on the candle chart.
I need to change the email address linked to my account. It is a private one and I want to use a different one.
Please get back to me and let me know.
Hi Milan
In “Renko FXT Builder” it is giving authentication error.
The following error is appearing: “Waiting for server authentication”
my computer shows in the license key box but on the actual MT4 platform shows expiation date or valid through January 13, I checked on this page it shows my computer name on the list however on my other desktop computer it shows that is registered to my name but on my laptop it does not show I have restarted MT4 platform few times but it didn’t help.
How can I fix this that it shows it is registered to my name?
thank you,
My paypal had an outdated email address when I purchased a Range Bar license, and I did not receive an email. Can you help fix this?
I have a license but its not activating. Can you please help me activating my key?
Thank you.
hello. did you got an answer from Milan (OVO) ? the website looklike abandonned….
Conversation about license should be private. If you have similar problem and publish it here, I would continue via email.
OOOpss. my apologies Milan. i’ll contact you by mail about my licence . massive fan since many years of your “No Gap Range Bar”. thanks
my licenses say expired for Renko, I did the key reset still the issue
Zapłaciłem za wskaźnik flexibar przez PayPal, ale nie dostałem wiadomości o kluczu licencyjnym
You are probably using another email address for Paypal. Check your other inboxes.
I installed the software on a new pc a while ago. Today it comes up that free period is over. I inserted the license key but still says the free period is over. I reset the license key but it still says the free period is over. Can you please resolve this. Thanks
Hello, You need to check if you are using the correct indicator, the mean Renko licence won’t work with a RenkoBar indicator.
hi i need a 3set of meanrenko indicator for our treading friends group under one paypal id i can purchase all the 3(3×3 9 systems) and maintain the licencesfor all 9systems?
You may use a single Paypal account to buy multiple licenses, they are not bound to this account. However the license code arrives to the Paypal email address, so you will need to distribute them. Afterwards let me know the actual users’ names (first and family) and email addresses so I can update the database.
wow thanks for ur information trial is running with in a short time i will reach u
boa noite posso troca de email a licenca que ja adquirir?
You may, ask via the contact form.
voces fas esses renko pra mt5?